Fun Fact: 246 million people in the U.S. and Canada went to the cinema at least once last year? Yes, MILLION - with 6 zeros. That’s nearly 71% of the entire U.S./Canada population in 2016! According to the Motion Picture Association of America, in 2016 the movie industry reached 11.4 billion dollars in sales, experiencing a 2% growth from the year before. So what is it that draws all of these people to the cinema each year? Perhaps it's a combination of curiosity and empathy. I have always enjoyed watching movies. I am fascinated by being invited into these characters’ realities, following their journeys, and allowing myself to learn with them along the way. Being able to visualize and identify with characters as they work through challenges, discover and embrace their positive and negative characteristics, and watch as they navigate through difficult situations can inspire us to become more aware of these aspects in our own lives. Bringing us a level of heightened personal awareness and self-reflection that can be a powerful and transformative tool! I am excited (and a bit nervous) to share a couple of my favorite movies with you! Each of these movies feature great female leads or female supporting roles and are listed in no particular order. I have learned from each these characters experiences and adventures, and I sincerely believe I am better because of them.
Just to name a few! Those 10 are without a doubt some of my favorites, but there are more where those came from. Are there any movies with leads, both female and male, that you personally connect with, or have learned something from? Share it with us in the comment box below so we can all check it out! Love, Stasia RoseIt was a Tuesday afternoon. You were visiting the local coffee shop Sipping on your cold brew And like magic... It happened. You and an IDEA totally connected. You didn’t see that coming. Barely anyone noticed. But the chemistry was undeniable. Congratulations! How exciting! Now, I bet you’re wondering... What’s next? I know I would be! My advice - Date your idea. Give it a chance. Spend some time with it. Get to know it a little better. Be open to the possibility that this could really be something. Date your idea. It’s okay to write down how you really feel about it. Fill your diary with little hearts and doodles. No judgement (we all do it) That’s part of the fun! Date your idea. Have you noticed any good signs?
Any red flags? Go ahead - write those down too. Both are very important to consider. Date your idea. Now, I know you two have been spending a lot of time together… I mean, you haven’t been apart for more than an hour. Try not to get so attached that it clouds your better judgement. Talk about it with trusted friends & mentors. Date your idea. Listen - I really hope it works out! I mean that. But there is also a chance that it won’t. And that’s okay too. I promise another one will come along Right when you least expect it. And when it does, you should date that one too! We can’t predict the future. We never know what our ideas will become. So let's keep dating them, and remaining open to the possibility that with lots of time, effort and attention, they could really turn into something special! (Date Your Idea written by Stasia Rose) There are many longings of the human heart. These longings are powerful and can serve as a common thread, crossing continents and boarders, language barriers and cultures, social classes and traditions, connecting us all. While the desire to love and be loved is one such common thread, there is another longing that remains ever present within our hearts: the desire to know and be known. From a young age, we seek to know and be known. This desire is coupled with a yearning to more deeply know and understand ourselves. We spend years of our precious time — and great amounts of our hard earned money — in search of people, experiences, words and phrases that will aid us in this long distance journey of self-discovery. We hike the tallest peaks, parachute out of moving planes and travel to the furthest corners of the globe searching for clues to ourselves. We watch television shows and relate to characters who share similar (or exude seemingly desired) attributes. We cruise the internet and various social media platforms for quizzes, self-assessments and personality tests, all in an effort to better understand our true natures. These tests and self-assessments only succeed in grouping us into one or more categories; nevertheless, we review our results with the intent of helping us along our quest of defining who we are. Why do we pursue the external to define the internal? Why do we seek out others’ definition of who we are and so easily adopt their words or phrases as truth? When we place too much emphasis on what others say, allowing them to tell us who we really are, it can subconsciously cause us to overshadow the empowering and life-giving traits that this world desperately needs its women to embody, embrace and inspire. Here are five labels, words and phrases which you may have been told in the past and unknowingly accepted as truth. They will require strength, wisdom and self-awareness to break, but you’re not in this alone. With a little love, generosity and an open mind, you can begin to embrace the fullness of the beautiful life you have been given Label No. 1: “Weird or Out There” to “Innovative and Interesting”Break the mold by embracing your creativity and uniqueness. View yourself as innovative and interesting! Present your thoughts and art to others in new and unexpected ways that inspire thought and action. Label No. 2: “Conceited” to “Empathetic”C.S. Lewis once said, “True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.” Allow this simple quote to influence the way you serve others and see the world. Label No.3: “Too Opinionated” to “Action-Oriented”Don’t just talk the talk. Together, let’s impact the world for good by discovering what within it breaks our hearts. Then, respond by finding ways to heal the hurt and pain through our actions. Label No. 4: “Perfectionist” to “A Risk-Taker Who Learns From Mistakes”I’ve heard it said, “Strive for progress not perfection.” Perfection is overrated and robs us of the beauty that is only found when we make mistakes and learn from them. Go ahead, take risks and resolve to learn from the inevitable mistakes of life. The world needs more women who are willing to share their lessons of growth with those following a few steps behind. Label No. 5: “Insecure” to “Self-Accepting”We all struggle with insecurity in some aspects of our lives. Whether it’s public speaking, finances, physical attributes or career advancement, these insecurities can run deep. Instead of meditating over our insecurities, let’s spend more of our valuable time focusing on our strengths and what we do well. Together, we can lead the world in wholly embracing the skills and talents that make us all unique. Toni Collette once said “The better you know yourself, the better your relationship with the rest of the world.” The more we begin to embrace what we do well, and continue to develop those gifts and talents, the better we can impact this world for good. Starting today, learn to move forward in spite of the insecurities and fears that have held you back for far too long. The strengths and skills that you have to offer this world far outnumber the weaknesses and insecurities that you might now face. There is power in our words; the cadence with which we speak of and to ourselves can impact our self-worth for better or worse. The decision to allow any label to bend us until we break is ours. So don’t wait! Beginning today, the labels of your past don’t need to serve you any longer. Know that you were meant to accomplish beautiful and brilliant things. You were meant to inspire others to love, push others to succeed and to accomplish good in this world. You were meant to shine! Written by Stasia Rose. First published on on June 21. 2017
To the Fatherless Daughter, You’re not alone, my dear. Every young woman is born with a strong and sacred love for her father. From birth we have an unexplainable desire to trust him, lean on him and believe the best in him. The role of a father in the life of his daughter is a sacred one. There is no doubt of the importance of this relationship dynamic. Truth is, every daughter desires to have a special bond with their father; regrettably, not every girl has the chance. Whether or not your father is absent voluntarily or involuntarily, similar struggles can often present themselves as you move forward and learn to navigate life without him. Sixteen years ago, I lost my father. As I write this letter, I have lived the majority of my life without him. I was eleven years old when he passed and I was completely unaware of the unique set of challenges that it would create for me over time because of such a heartbreaking and confusing loss. I, too, have felt the impact of being a fatherless daughter and have seen the ripples of it in my closest relationships, greatest successes and most difficult seasons. You may not know it now, but one day you will come to realize that this heartbreaking experience will become yet another beautiful and brilliant part of who you are. My story has created in me a passion for helping other women navigate this shift. I am writing you this letter with the sheer hope that a few of the life lessons I’ve learned along the way will guide you in navigating your own unique journey. Learn to forgive your father. Learn to forgive yourself.Do this by remembering the small and perfect moments you spent together. If you were not able to create these memories with your father, I encourage you to write down the lessons that you learned from his legacy instead. If at all possible, seek out ways to honor your father.Dedicate one day a year when you meditate on him, spending more of your energy thinking about the things he did right. This can be Father’s Day, or another date that holds significant meaning. You can donate your time to helping other young men and women with similar experiences, write an encouraging letter to your father (even if it’s one you never send) or recreate a sentimental moment that you both shared (like building a bird house or visiting a park). You may not know it now, but one day you will come to realize that this heartbreaking experience will become yet another beautiful and brilliant part of who you are. Try to avoid using sarcasm as a shield or a defense mechanism for dealing with the pain.Instead, speak truth into your life and circumstances. Always seek out the beauty in life and in others. Watch as this begins to chip away at the walls around your heart and lead to greater joy and happiness. Truth is, the world needs you! The real you. Make the choice today and every day to do the hard work of digging deep and being vulnerable with yourself and with others who seek to understand more you. Learn to identify your feelings and emotions. Call them out. Learn how you feel sadness, anger, loneliness, joy, happiness, contentment and love. Seek out a mentor or counselor who can help you work through these emotions. I did and it made all the difference! Your vulnerability is what will draw people to you. It’s what makes us all human. You are lovely. You are simply magnificent. And your scars are a small part of the beautiful mosaic that makes you who you are. Each day, choose to live a life that will make you happy, a life that a true father would deeply desire his beloved daughter to live. I know it’s hard. Have courage and take heart. Never for one moment be ashamed of your story. Own it. Lean into it. You have the power to change your narrative and transform your story into a force for good that will encourage and inspire others. I believe with every fiber of my being that we can choose to allow our greatest challenges to hold us back in fear or propel us ever forward in love. Choose forward. Choose love. Written by Stasia Rose. First published on on June 18. 2017
When did we learn that blending in and fitting the mold was of paramount importance? Well, I really believe that these lessons began influencing our actions at a very young age. Early on in our educational careers, we were introduced to interactive games that encouraged rigid compliance and “knowing our roles”. Games like House, Red Light, Green Light, Follow the Leader, and Simon Says were just a few of these shining examples. These games (both consciously and subconsciously) taught us to comply, and fit the mold. They even rewarded us with approval, acceptance and applause if we could successfully do both while others were watching.
Whether we realize it or not, continuing to pour our valuable (and limited) time and energy into fitting in can directly hold us back from fully discovering and stepping into our unique callings. Times are changing, and we must work together to unlearn the mis-educations from our past. Starting today, try refocusing the lens through which you see the world. Write down your own definition(s) of success. Begin asking the hard questions, doing your own research and coming to your own conclusions. Starting today, begin building your own unique brand. One that sets you a part and shows others just how unique and special you truly are. You’re Simon now. What do YOU say? Love, Stasia Rose
What are some other successful traits of productive people? Love, Stasia Rose
I don't need a cape or supernatural powers to be a superhero - and neither do you! All you need is this one simple trait shared by superhero's and successful businessmen & women alike, which is: The ability to anticipate or expect problems and trends, and then collaborate to create innovative solutions. Over the years, I have had the honor of working alongside some phenomenal individuals and it's true, the ability to anticipate trends, expect problems and collaborate with others in order to create innovative solutions is a superpower that both hero's and successful young professionals share.
The good news about this superpower is that it's free, and you can begin practicing it today. Your boss, spouse, family, friends and coworkers will thank you for it! Sure, it may take some time to get the hang of it, but I know that you can do it! Keep at it and don't give up! Believe in yourself, and watch as you make a positive impact on this world. What are other superpowers that you believe young professionals should learn? Love, Stasia Rose We've all been there. Fresh out of the formal education system and asking ourselves one not-so-simple question..."what's next?" I spent 6 consecutive (and very formative) years pursuing my undergraduate and master's degree before I entered the corporate world full-time, and you know what? I still find myself asking the same not-so-simple question from all those years before..."what's next?" High school and college don't last forever (even though it may feel like it at times). Truth is, no matter how much information I learned in the classroom (and trust me, I learned a lot), I still believe that all of the textbooks in the world couldn't have prepared me for what it was REALLY like to launch into my career and work that 9:00 - 5:00 grind. I managed to do it pretty well (with minimal personal casualties). I've learned a lot. Hell...I'm STILL learning. I've never been more convinced that our careers, our lives even, consist largely of a series of choices - setbacks and successes that we cannot anticipate. But take heart, we’re not as helpless as we may think. Choice is a powerful thing, and the solution to successfully navigating life is simple - choose to do what's in front of you, and learn to do it well. If your bosses, coworkers, and friends are in front of you, treat them well. If a new job or project is in front of you, complete it well. If your loved ones are in front of you, love them well. Choose to be kind to yourself. Choose to take things one day at a time. I've never been more convinced that our careers, our lives even, consist largely of a series of choices - setbacks and successes that we cannot anticipate. So here it is. A digital space. A sanctuary of sorts that will serve as your dose of encouragement. Your very own guidance counselor. Your go-to for real world young professional advice that I hope will help you to succeed early on in your career. I invite you to learn and laugh along with me! These blog posts are all things I have either 1. personally experienced, 2. read about 3. would like to do or 4. have actually done. You may not know which category these posts fall under, but even if you do - try not to judge me too harshly for it ;) In This Together, Stasia Rose If you're having a hard time figuring out how to move forward with a problem or project - the solution is simple! Find something to love!Love changes everything! If you're in business and having a hard time moving your project forward, then find a new way to love your customers. Reconnect with them. Learn more about their wants and needs. Doing this can help you craft a creative product or innovative solution that will deeply resonate with the end-user. If you're a writer, and having a difficult time crafting your story, begin again by falling in love with your audience. Meditate on the positive impact your words will make in their lives. Own the topic, and take joy in communicating it effectively and in a new and compelling way! Finding something to love will grant you a new lens through which to view and solve the initial challenge or idea. So go ahead - find something to love today! Love, Stasia Rose
Hello Summertime! Summer in Florida is back again, and the t-shirts, crop tops and flip flops have slowly begun awakening from their short lived hibernation. Just days ago I was able to finally unfold one of my favorite T's, and was once again reminded of the undeniable impact that my favorite non-profit continues to make on the surrounding community! Top Buttons is a 501 (c)(3) in Lakeland, FL that is passionate about build self-esteem in young women through fashion. Top Buttons provides full wardrobe makeovers, and hosts/facilitates educational events and seminars for young women who may have come from difficult backgrounds, inspiring them to see their true beauty and worth undefined by their past hurts & difficult experiences. TB has been warmly received by this charming little city-town called Lakeland, and thousands upon thousands of individuals and organizations continue to rally around this cause through hosting fundraising events and purchasing clothing at TB's newest upscale clothing boutique location downtown. Some of my readers have asked me how I became involved in Top Buttons, so I thought I would write a little blog post about my experience for all to see! ![]()
Let me take you back to a particularly warm day in March 2012....
...actually, let's go back to 2007 first :) I have always been particularly ambitious. During my freshman year of college I registered on my universities career portal looking for employers interested in hiring young talent. Fast forward 3 years, and it's my junior year of college. My university was hosting a leadership forum, there were an estimated 700 people in attendance and I believe George W. Bush and his wife were slated to speak at this particular event. In order to pull off a massive undertaking like this, a large number of volunteers were needed and willingly jumped into the fray (myself included)! On the first or second day of the forum, a woman approached me asking for a hair tie. The A/C in the room was covered by a couple of massive screens, and the temperature inside the room was rising fast. This woman had a glorious head full of curls, which looked to be contributing to her rising body temperature. She was also about 7 months pregnant at the time with her precious son Graham, I promptly set off to find a hair tie, and returned with a rubber band which she willingly and gratefully accepted without skipping a beat! I asked her name, it was Sarah. She asked me mine, and we got to chatting, eventually deciding to add each other on Facebook. Fast foward 2 years... I received a phone call from a local number that I did not recognize. I answered a bit hesitantly, and heard "Hi Anastasia. This is Sarah Powers. Do you remember me by chance?" and in fact, I did! Sarah had found my number via my universities online portal, and after typing in her search criteria, recognized my name on the resume I had posted almost 5 years before! It's simply wild and absolutely no coincidence! We got to talking, and she told me all about her heart for young women, and her desire to launch a movement that will empower them to recognize and embrace their true worth and beauty! Sarah had it all planned out, and would use fashion as a medium to accomplish this goal! I wasn't particularly into the latest fashion trends, BUT I had quite a large network of well-educated and inspiring college students that I knew would LOVE to be a part of something so new and exciting! And the rest is history! Our small team started meeting at Starbucks once or twice a week well after the sun had set and meet for 2-3 hours at a time. It was only the beautiful beginning! Back to present day... Top Buttons is thriving! I have never been more convinced of the positive impact and the overwhelming need that it has continued to meet in this city. Currently I serve on the Board of Top Buttons, and it has been such a joy playing a small role in this inspiring and life changing organization. For all my young professionals out there, one of the best things that you can do early on in your career is to donate your time toward a cause that's greater than yourself. I believe there is something positive that happens in our hearts and minds when we are able to see a need and meet it! We gain a new perspective, and a more developed world view. We are also able to network along the way (and networking can always lead to better and brighter opportunities). We have a responsibility to help make this world a better place! Let's have fun and do it together! Subscribe below to have the latest updates delivered to your inbox! You can Join the TB movement by visiting their website and donating here! Love, Stasia Rose |