My name is Anastasia. I launched my very first blog over 7 years ago. Through blogging, I have built a personal brand, grown a business, and established meaningful connections with my ideal clients. Now, I teach other heart-centered entrepreneurs how to do the same!
I am a New England born author, blogger and collegiate professor who has been pleasantly displaced in sunny central Florida. I am passionate about empowering entrepreneurs and small businesses to reach their ideal clients through powerful stories and shared experiences. My time spent in corporate America fresh out of graduate school sparked in me a desire to write real-life content for young professionals who are early on in their careers - so that's exactly what I did! |
Over three years later, I am now pursing my dream as a blogging coach, and content writer. Helping my clients BLOG LIKE A BOSS, and share their stories, gifts and passions in a way that inspires the world!
I serve as a board member for Top Buttons, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that builds self-esteem in young women, through fashion. I am a lover of Dunkin Donuts iced coffee, guacamole, compelling stories and 90’s music. I am convinced each of these things will play a role in accomplishing world peace. You can find me creating playlists on Spotify, reading memoirs and autobiographies, touring art museums and exploring the great outdoors with friends. Register for my next Blog Like A Boss Workshop |