According to Fast Company, the average time someone stays in a job is 4.4 years. I'm still pretty young, and I can confidently say that my average in this regard is no where near the aforementioned statistic.
Fun Fact: I received for my first paycheck when I was 16-years-old. Believe it or not I was an amateur model, learning the ropes and doing odd jobs at malls and large events. What happen to that you ask? Well, one day I realized I liked burgers...and just like that I willingly relinquished my modeling career. ;) My teens and early twenties were spent working in different departments at my alma mater (Southeastern University), and this gave me the opportunity to work with and for a handful of great bosses. Long story short, I've learned a lot over the last 10 years of my collegiate and professional career. I am still learning! My hope is that you will take to heart the lessons that have shaped me over the years, and that I have allowed to influenced my life and leadership. 19 Lessons I've Learned From My Favorite Bosses
BONUS: Creativity is truly for everyone! Yes, that includes you!
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