I would be remiss if I didn't take more time to warmly introduce the guest blogger and mastermind behind this Healthy Recipe series! I met Victoria Sgro by chance at a local co-working space. From our very first interaction, her love for others and passion for food and wholistic health has inspired me! Read more about her story (and her precious baby) here! I hope you enjoy this next recipe as much as I did! I freaking LOVE avocados <3 Avocado Egg Salad (serves 1)INGREDIENTS:
2 boiled eggs ½ hass avocado juice of ½ a lime salt & pepper to taste 1 ounce spinach drizzle of dressing DRESSING INGREDIENTS: ¼ cup olive oil 2.5 tablespoons red wine vinegar 1 small clove of garlic, minced pinch of salt and pepper INSTRUCTIONS:
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