TRUTH IS... When I entered corporate america, I believed employees solely utilized company purchased office supplies while at work. I'm not exactly sure when or where I acquired this assumption; however, it did make sense considering the number of zero's in the corporate office supply budget were far greater than the number of zeros at the end of my paycheck. My eternal love of office supplies also supported this sub-conscious assumption, and made me even more grateful that a company would so willingly provide pens, pencils, notepads, etc. to it's employees! All things considered, I was very content to not spend a single dime on office supplies...but, was the corporate supply closet helping me, or hurting me? Was I unknowingly giving up an opportunity to put my best foot forward by not purchasing my own materials? ONE DAY, DURING A RATHER LONG MEETING...I looked around the conference table filled with industry professionals, most bored out of their ever loving minds, and I couldn't help but notice something rather interesting...I was one of the only ones primarily utilizing supplies from the office supply cabinet. There I sat, my single white legal pad in front of me, and a black ink pen resting on top. In that moment I considered myself quite a boring person...and I am NOT a boring person. Or at least I hadn't thought I was until that day. As I looked around the room, I spied a brown leather bound portfolio with all sorts of pockets for pens, business cards, and it even had a cell phone pocket! I am fairly certain that it had been personalized with the initials of its owner! I looked and saw one man writing a short list in his black leather journal, and another woman with a black and white pattered laptop bag resting against the foot of her chair. There were quite a large number of notepads and pens which I thought where far more interesting than the legal pad and black ink pen I had brought with me (compliments of the corporate supply closet). In that moment I came to one very important realization... The office supplies I chose to use could have a direct impact on to how I was perceived by others in my field.Now, I do not believe that the materials I possess should/could ever fully define me. However, I do believe that perception is reality, and my choice of office supplies should be viewed as an asset in my establishing a more professional presence. It's in the details. WHAT I USE...I love office supplies - and I have for as long as I can remember! I love pens, notebooks, journals, portfolios, planners, pencils, sticky notes, pen holders, and envelopes - to name a few! Here are some of the staple items I am all about right now! 1. Rifle Paper Co. - Jardin de Paris Notebook![]() I love Rifle Paper Co., and I am completely smitten with this new notebook from their Spring collection! Quality is important to me. I like knowing that the things I buy will be able to withstand my fast paced lifestyle because they are simply made well. This notebook is fun and feminine. It has 130 ruled pages, and each page is made with a thick paper material! My favorite part about this notebook is the floral design, partnered with the little hints of gold embellishment! Another one of my favorite parts about this notebook can be found on the inside cover, where it reads: From the desk of {blank} I find that little blurb to be so classy! If you are looking for a cute notebook to write your lists in, jot down meeting notes, or to even journal in - this is the one to try! 2. Sugar Paper (LA) - Light Pink Portfolio PadSome meetings call for you to bring more than just a legal pad and a pen. A portfolio is the perfect option when you plan on taking copious amounts of notes, and are bringing or expecting to receive paper copies during a meeting. A portfolio offers a professional appearance on the outside, and is extremely portable. My portfolio is light pink, and is made by Sugar Paper (LA). Check out more of their products at Target! 3. Rifle Paper Co.| Sharpie | RSVP![]() Man, I am a sucker for a good pen/pencil. I always considered RSVP and Pilot ballpoint pens all time favorites - and I still do to a degree. However, recently I have been hung up on these medium point jet black felt tip pens by Sharpie! I also love a good #2 pencil every now and then! If you share this sentiment for #2 pencils, then you should totally check out this fun pack of pencils from Rifle Paper Co. too! With every great pencil you can find an even greater eraser! And the erasers on these pencil's are awesome because they actually work lol! Try them out and let me know what you think! BE YOU!We spend so much time at work, taking phone calls, writing emails, meeting with clients/employees and jotting down notes along the way. Purchasing office supplies that express just a small part of who you are can lighten your spirits throughout the day, and allow others to see a little bit of your personality too! Remind yourself that you are more than your day job! Continue to think of little things you can do to de-stress at various moments throughout the work day. What are some of your favorite office supplies!? Share them with me by commenting below! Click here and subscribe to future posts! With Love, Stasia RoseComments are closed.