Each year, as Spring approaches, the most fascinating thing takes place.
As if overnight, we become hyper-aware of the things in our space that bring us joy, and the things that no longer belong. We take rigorous inventory of our homes, offices, cars, and closets. Filling plastic bins and garbage bags with the old to make room for the new. But why stop there? Why not capitalize on this innate desire to refresh and rejuvenate by spending some time revamping your resume too! Over the next five days I'll be publishing resume writing tips and tricks which are sure to give your resume the spring cleaning it needs to stand out to current or future employers. Resume Tip #1
You don't need to spend hours at a time updating your entire resume in one sitting. On the contrary, making small tweaks to your resume overtime may actually be more affective both personally and professionally. Review and update your resume every 3-6 months. That way your resume will be ready to present at a moment’s notice. This can also help you benchmark progress in your current roles, and may even encourage you to continue setting and reaching your career goals!
Check out this article featured at Forbes.com for even more great reasons why you should (always!) keep your resume updated. Want these resume tips delivered to your inbox first thing in the morning? Subscribe below and i'll hand-deliver them to your inbox! You got this! Stasia Rose
Sandra Tyrell
2/21/2017 08:24:35 pm
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