Ever strike up a great conversation with a complete stranger? Perhaps you were in line at Starbucks, or sitting next to someone on a plane. Then someone made a comment about the weather and next thing you know you're both vibing the conversation. Seamlessly hopping from one topic to the next.
And then, all too quickly, you sense the conversation coming to an innevitable close. But wait! You're not ready! You're still so intrigued by the interaction that you don't want the conversation to end. You have more stories to share, more questions to ask. From your brief interaction you've heard just enough to pull you in and make you actually WANT to know more! You're now plotting for the best way to exchange information with them without "being all weird" about it. You would genuinely just like to keep in touch. So what does this little story have to do with Resume Writing you ask? Well... This same feeling of hopeful anticipation is exactly what you want employers to feel when they finish reviewing your resume. Forgive me if my analogy seems a bit too idealistic, but trust me - it's not. I've been on the reviewing end of the interview process enough to know that this is truly how employers hope to feel when they are sifting through stacks of resumes, looking for the perfect person to fill a vital role on their team. And I fully believe that your resume has the potential to illicit this same response! Employers are looking for a resume that woos them and pulls them in. One that has them asking the best questions in an effort to know more about you based on your previous educational and work experience. This is exactly the type of resume we are working to build together over this 5 Day Resume Revamp series! Which brings us to our next resume revamp tip...checking to make sure you have the fundamental elements included in your resume. Disclaimer*** Some of these tips may seem obvious, but you would be surprise how often some of these are overlooked! Resume Tip #2: Check for the Basics
So there you have it! I'm already looking forward to sharing the next Resume Revamp tip tomorrow!
To check out the last Resume Revamp Tip (Day 1) click here! Love, Stasia RoseComments are closed.